Sunday, April 14, 2013

A vintage Denholms find

Vintage DG Williams mannequin from Denholms

Recently I was so lucky to find a vintage Denholms mannequin.  She is from the vendor D.G Williams who was the premier mannequin manufacturer during the 50's and 60's.  Denholms bought a large lot of these mannequins to be used in the better Dress department as well as the Salisbury shop.  I am having her fully restored to save into my collection as well as a possible use in an upcoming exhibit. 

Her original face
same mannequin in original form

 These are the proper arms which I am having put back onto her, as well as recreating the auburn 1960's hairstyle and stiff buckram lashes.
Mannequins from the DG Williams collection showcased at Denholms

Adel Rootstein mannequins at Ralph Lauren
 Many people don't realize how much body styles change in mannequins over the years.  The vintage DG Williams is 5'7" tall and her measurements are 32"26"32".  The mannequins I presently work with are from Adel Rootstein and they run 5'11-6' tall and they are 34"27"34". 

If anyone knows of the wearabouts of any Denholms mannequins or fixtures from either the Worcester of Auburn store, Please let me know.