On Tuesday July6th there was an official "Unveiling" of the new window display at the Denholm building. I cannot even teel you how great it was. My mother attended as well as Pat and Heidi Wolf. The two are Mr Harry Wolfs ( the former president of Denholms) daughters. Even though it was 100 degrees that day, the heat didn't even matter...I was with a wonderful group of people. Each of us here were awarded a framed collection of stamps which are being featured in the window, as well as a retro photo of Denholms.
Shown from left to right are , Troy Siebels of the Hanover Theater, Assistant City Manager Julie Jacobson, Worcester Postmaster Dan O'Neil, Creative Designer Christopher Sawyer, Congressman Jim McGovern, Worcester Community Action Council Executive Director Jill Dagilis, and Greater Boston District Grow Global and Team Member Dawn Doucet
Photos by Paul Bresnahan Worcester MA