Friday, December 4, 2009

1960's exterior shot

Here is a shot of the exterior of Denholms during the mid 1960's. I remember the large snowflake ornaments hanging from the lights down Main St.

I love the simplicity of the 3 small trees of lights on the facade.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Christmas Window Display

Here is a photo of a 1965 window display at Denholms. I love the scroll signage that is on the right hand side of the image.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Holidays are coming!

It's that time of year for all of us to start thinking about the holidays coming up. In retail, there is no Thanksgiving, just Christmas.... Here is a shot of Denholms in the early 1960's with the infamous tree of lights that adorned the facade.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Here is an article that my grandmother gave on the importance of window displays, and how they relate to a stores image.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Denholms windows completed!

This week I had the pleasure to work on the windows at the Denholm building, and finished my retrospective of the Denholm and McKay department store. I cannot even begin to thank all of the people who helped and encouraged me with this dream of mine. I want to thank Pat and Diane who allowed me access to their Denholms archive. I also want to thank Mellisa,Matt, Doug, and Ernie and everyone at the Denholm building for their kindness and hard work.
You all are amazing!!!

This building is really a gem, and I look forward to working on more windows with the Denholm team.

A big thanks to all.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

image of the day

Late 1950's window display at Denholms.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Denholms Retrospective

I am starting the Denholms window retrospective the last week of September. As you can see, the windows are in pretty rough shape, and the building could really use some TLC. I can't wait to get in and restore at least the three windows back to their original glory. It is going to be a lot of work, but keep your fingers crossed.

Monday, August 31, 2009

My Grandmother at work

My Grandmother was Josephine Carbone ( second from the left). She worked for Denholms starting in 1947 as a stock girl. After working her way up through the ladder, she eventually became a woman's buyer, and then from there went on to be a Divisional Merchandise Manager of the all of the Women s departments. Besides being a very career minded woman, she was also a major part of my life, and I miss her dearly. I am so lucky to have been able to call her my grandmother as she was, and still is larger than life to me.

Denholm and McKay window installation

I am currently in the process of renovating the 3 large windows between the two entrances, and doing a retrospective of the store that spans from it's beginning in 1871 till closing in 1973.

My plan is to restore the windows back to their original 1951 opening look. Keep your fingers crossed!!! Window install goes in the last week of September.